Monday, April 11, 2005

Don't be a dumb fuck!

Television should be supervised by adults at all times?
well..fuck no....
'Adults' are the ones who are currently deciding what the youth of today is seeing on TV.
Those pokey 'children's shows' with brightly coloured creatures befriending one another and talking in spasmodic tones are excluded.
Although it is said that the 'years before 5 last the rest of our lives', it's the years after that that fuck with my head.
What messages are we really sending out.
Well, here's some realistic interpretations just from watching TV tonight.
1) Women are sexual objects simply created to entertain white, heterosexual men.
2) Smoking cigarettes is awful, but beer will get a man laid.
3) The female menstrual cycle is a thing of shame, so be discreet when you're on your period, god forbid anyone should be aware that you're dirty secret is really your ability to give life.
4) Gay men are always good for a laugh, better yet, laugh at them.
5) Avril Lavigne is a punk.
6) Times have changed, but women are still responsible for cleaning the toilets.
7) Getting old is a part of life, but looking old is for the poor.
8) Sex is a totally natural function for humans, and can be discussed in the parent/child relationship as easily as the weather.
9) Marijuana is a gateway drug, if you smoke it, you will end up homeless and injecting heroin.
10) Black people all have a way of talking that is significant to their race, they all share the same sense of humor and mannerisms.
11) Smart women are masculine.
12) Socially conscious men are gay.
13) All Asian people take Karate.
14) A personified animal will sell meat.
15) Teenage girls only want to make themselves appealing to the opposite sex, they have no capacity for individual thought.
16) All musicians have a message.
17) All men are incapable of romantic notions.
18) White people don't start wars, they defend honor.
19) Canada is a peaceful country with low crime rates and is comprised of heterosexual Christians who don't use drugs or intake too many calories.
20) North America has no poverty.

I could ramble more, and this really is just from watching TV tonight. Like the smarties commercial where three guys bite into the new smarties bar to match the colour of the girls outfits who walk by. Hetereosexual men, eat women.
It's funny how parents and people in the child rearing profession are so concerned with what their children see, and yet seem disaffected by what these same kids are seeing a few years later. ??? It's okay to not discuss the fact that all solvent commercials depict women as the cleaners, but it's important to tell them that Eminem doesn't really mean it when he says he's going to kill his mom!?!?
I love Canada!
I love that we are a multicultural country!
I just wish that we weren't so influenced by what we see on TV.
I wish people weren't still called down for their cultural backgrounds or sexual orientation.
I wish more people could 'put themselves in others shoes'.
I wish organized religion wasn't exclusive.
I wish we could formulate our own ideas regardless of what we have 'learned'.
I wish TV could be taken as a source of entertainment, and less as a window into the world.
I wish parents/people would take more time to analyze what they are seeing, and not be so quick to pass it off as a commercial or a television show. Thereby disregarding the messages.
There are too many amazing people in the world.
Too many unique ideas to pass up.
Too much emphasis placed on archaic ideas of what it is to be a man or a woman, or to belong to a certain race.
It's a joke to say 'why can't we all love one another'?
But it's common place to laugh at the blonde joke, or the Jewish joke, or the gay joke.
No real thought is present.
Who is it then, that doesn't want to think on their own, but will fight tooth and nail to say that they have?
Why are so many thoughts manufactured and so few able to realize that?
How clearly do you think about what you do, say or are opposed to?
Don't be fed by the media, use your own fucking head and make your own decisions based on realism and obvious fact!
sorry.....TV got to me tonight!


Blogger Another Apartment in Blogville. said...

19) Canada is a peaceful country with low crime rates and is comprised of heterosexual Christians who don't use drugs or intake too many calories.

Hmmm... I can't say I agree with this. I see Canada as a place where they are actually seperating church from politics, becoming one of the first countries to legalize same sex marriage, trying VERY HARD to legalize marijuana, bravely choosing to NOT go alongside U.S.A. with the weird war and releasing some of the coolest music in the world right now. I never got the "christian" vibe from Canada....ah well.

11:53 AM  

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