Tuesday, May 24, 2005


My friend Lisa (Lease) is currently travelling Europe, and at present she is doing it alone.
I think that takes a serious amount of balls.
I mean, imagine going to dinner and a movie alone? How many of us can even fathom doing that?
I can't!
wouldn't want to!
I think it takes a special type of people to take risks like that. To go and embark on something with yer backpack as your best friend.
My friend Lease is a special type of friend, I have always known that, and have always appreciated her in my life, as I do with all of my friends. I am fucking blessed with the group of people who I am lucky enough to have in my life.
And I don't say it enough.
Shit, I don't say it at all!
But tonight, in my small blog way, I am going to tell Lisa, that I love her and I am proud of her for all of her accomplishments.
For real Lease, I'm proud to call you my friend.


Blogger LMD said...

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3:44 AM  
Blogger LMD said...

jeez ian... i thought maybe this was a delusional writing during your food poisoning, but no! wow, thanks, you are too kind. i (heart) you too!

3:45 AM  

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