Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Pretty Boy, with yer pretty boobs

Why did I once think that journalism was a good profession for me?
Since I am merely a woman trapped in a mans body, a stereotype on an already rejected minority.
I'm a bit fired up.....
Apparently, Sweedish researchers have discovered that the gay mans brain is much like a straight woman's brain.
We respond 'exactly' to the same scents!
Who Knew?
Gay men and straight women know what smells good.
But it goes beyond that, according to CTV News.
Straight women and gay men respond to the same 'pheromone.
We respond identically.
Well, thank god someone finally put out some research that backs 'nature' as opposed to 'nurture'.
to say that we share the same brains as women?
I think it's time to head back to the labs and reconsider what makes gay men gay, aside from 'responding' to a fucking scent!
Hmm, my brain is exactly like a woman's eh!
Damn, that must be why I always squeeze my fatty man boobs together and try to make my titties pretty in the mirror.
That also explains why every 28 days I wonder if I am going to begin my menstrual cycle.
I have always had an intense desire to get pregnant, and give birth!
Them Swedes are so on the ball!
How else can I explain finger banging my choda in hopes for a clitoral orgasm?
But wait....
what are we talking about here...that straight women and gay men both like cock?
Fuck me....those well funded Swedish 'meatballs' have really one 'upped global research on this one!
The one and ONLY gay man they interviewed on my local news station seemed to be living in Miami, and was 'tickled pink' to have some evidence that he didn't choose to be a queer!
Well fuck you buddy!
You're far too dumb to be gay!
I remember the exact moment I chose it. It was just before Christmas in 1985, I thought, "Hey, I need more of a challenge, from tomorrow on, I am going to be completely attracted to me".
Now my choice is vetoed by this new evidence that I was 'born gay'.
Fuck, now what am I going to tell my mom?
Maybe move beyond having gay men, straight men and straight women smell perfumes, then call me when you've 'uncovered' something.
Hell, maybe even look for something similar in the minds of gay men and lesbians.
Hell, gay women and straight men....
But fuck, I think I know already....
lesbians and straight men responded identically to the scent of petrol, saw dust and oatmeal.


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