Gay Cinema
No, I am not talking about 'Dawson's Crack' or 'Doing Private Ryan'.
I'm talking about the movies that strive to be a little more enlightening, or at least entertaining for the gay community.
There's only so many 'When Harry Met Sally's' that a queer can stomach before they start wondering why Sally isn't meeting Thelma, and Harry isn't reforming a male hustler into the ultimate lover.
I love my suspension of disbelief. It is fine tuned. The same is true for all queers or we'd never feel anything towards mainstream media.
I can cry at a movie where a man and a woman overcome obstacles to form a loving union at the end, I'd just rather it be a movie where the subjects are both men.
Well formost because I am gay.
But, more importantly, even than that, is because it is time.
It's time 'Hollywood' added gay characters as leads. Not just comic relief or as extras in the hairdressing scene.
There are a lot of independent films that do focus on homosexual relationships and the lives of us gays. But, they're hard to find at the local Blockbuster.
Maybe because they were never blockbusters, of course not, that kind of subject matter on the hot new release wall?
Sure, if the main character grabs yer heart as he battles AIDS and eventually succumbs to the disease with the once homophobic character at his bedside.
So touching. And so done.
I know it's a long shot that any acclaimed mainstream producer/director would handle queer subject matter in a realistic format, so thank god for TV.
Will and Grace single handedly saves the reputation of the gay community.
It is like a teachers aid to inform the straight community of how the gays really are.
I like 'Will and Grace' as much as the next homo, but, again, it's comic relief.
There is a serious side to the gays (and one outside of STD's).
Maybe I'll write a sci-fi queer movie with undertones so breathtakingly full of empowerment and pride that 'Stone' will be calling me begging for the script.
I'd give it to him too
if he sucked my dick first!
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