Here I am on the morning of June 3rd, 2005, and in a few hours I will be embarking on the first camping trip of this fine summer.
As per usual, planning has not gone smoothly, but I maintain my optomism, and actually, have been stricken with the trots. It's part of a juvenile inability to deal with excitement that I have never quite been able to get over.
Anyway, this trips venue...Turkey Point Ontario.
I know, not very outdoorsy as we're booked into an electrical site, and within walking distance to flushable toilets, but hey, I like tents and campfires, not bears and shittin in the woods.
The weather is supposed to be nice too, warm, sunny.
My optimism does end with the weather, if it doesn't rain at least once I will be shocked.
Now, I have a bunch of shit to do, including but not limited to grocery shopping, packing, trying to remember everything, and hydrating myself to counteract the beer and sun.
My hopes..
Well, that we're not stuck in a site that is bordered by teenagers who are getting drunk away from the watchful eyes of their folks.
That we're not bordered by families with children or dogs (Deanna is terrified of dogs, although it is comical to watch her run screaming, it is annoying for her).
No rain.
That an impromtu gay weekend is planned that we are unaware of, and I meet the man of my dreams and set out on a new life of domestic bliss.
The food doesn't rot and then make me sick.
My airmattress holds me off the ground for both nights.
Karen is over her snoring thing.
We don't have to play cards all day.
I win at Bocce Ball.
I remember to buy 'Powerade'.
No bears, snakes, bugs or vagrants.
No one steals my shit.
I get some sun, and turn into the bronze god I have always imagined.
So, those are just a few of my wants. And what about my wants? When do I get what the fuck I want? :-)
I'll let ya know on Sunday night how things went.
Off and camping!
toot toot
hope that camping is fun, and you get everything you wish for, especially the man of your dreams!
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