Monday, August 15, 2005

It's The Small Things

1) The hanging seconds between when you first fart, and when you can smell your fart. There is some excitement to be found in those moments.

2) The change in phone voice when you say good night to a potential bf/gf on the phone. It's like it softens.

3) Autumn, it's around the corner. Everything about the fall is poetry. The smells, the colours, the way the breeze feels. It's nostalgia at its finest.

4) The first sip of a beer when you're hanging out with your best friends. You know it's going to be a great night. That first sip is like the stepping off point.

5) Other Animals - Matmos, Autumn's Here - Hawksley Workman, Brokedown palace - The Grateful Dead, Kissing You - D'esiree, I'm Still Your Fag - Broken Social Scene.

6) Mixed CD's that people make for you. I don't know about anyone else, but for me, these are the best gifts ever.

7) Campfires.

8) Making out.

9) Margaret Cho.

10) Dead baby jokes and the people who laugh at them.

11) The smell of the fog that they make to ensure dance floors look mysterious.

12) Used record stores.

13) Flipping through pictures. Even the ones that make you groan.

14) Nights at home, bored and sipping cheap beer and writing lists of things you love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like a little more #12 my way!

1:24 PM  

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