I was just sitting down to check my email, and I was trying to decide what CD I should put on for background music.
Then i remembered this CD that one of my best friends made for me in the Fall of 2003.
It's perfect.
Although I usually can't get all the way through it without slipping into some pretty heavy nostalgia.
Track two is a song called 'Autumns Here' by Hawksley Workman. This song for me is the only thing in the world that makes me believe that sometimes pain is beautiful.
On the inlay of the CD he made me is written this;
"And an angel of rock and roll piss and dangerous guitar riffs lifted the weight of inherited guilt. The angel sang songs about whiskey and decay. He spoke words infinitely sad and frightening. He played music about the blessing of new moments and the freedom in forgetting. And he wrote. He wrote about tireless nights and passionate souls. He wrote about nights when there's nothing left to hold. He wrote about knowing how the worst will come and the worst will go. He worte about helping people away from fear. He wrote about cities fading and brake lights on highways blurring into the sky. He wrote about people like us, not sure where they were going. He wrote about being drunk and acting tough. He wrote about how you're not the only one who feels this way. He wrote about what we were doing in our last moments and what brought us here to begin with. He wrote about moths and suns, stars and gigolos, front porches and warm rain that ran down cheeks like tears of happiness. But with the happiness came envy. And with envy, came the angel to make it all okay. The angel looked at me with blue and beautiful bloodshot eyes and just as the music started playing, he began mouthing out these words over and over. Disappear here. Disappear here..."
I love this friend of mine!
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