Swimming mentally
I have such a bizarre cross section of thoughts tonight that I do not even know where to begin.
First off, I buy cologne as a result of guys that I have dated. It seems to go hand in hand that the ones I actually date smell good. So, I borrow (steal) their colognes, not literally, but I purchase them later and claim them as my own. But, instead of just enjoying a scent, I am riddled with memories of that person. I always thought that I was the guy who became the most nostalgic from a temperature. I mean, crisp autumn days remind me of so much of my childhood it's sick. But, I think, on board with my friend Dan, I get sucked into smell too. My father recently purchased a cologne called 'Hummer', and I have been borrowing it on nights out. I had the unfortunate experience of having a dude come up to me at a bar and compliment me on my cologne, and then ask what it was called. I had to say that it was 'Hummer', in a gay bar, C'mon, there's some irony in that! So, I decided then to get myself a new scent. I bought 'Issey Miyake' (forgive my spelling) and have worn it for two days. Instead of enjoying my new cologne I am bombarded with memories of my ex. Not like I want to rekindle, but, like those years have been playing back as a movie, in snipits. Odd. I need my own signature scent.
Karla the Kunt Homolka gets out of prison this weekend. She has tried to put a muzzle on the media to stop them from reporting on her every move. This is being sought after as Ms. Homolka "fears for her safety". My guess, is that she will never feel fear the way that Kristen, Leslie, Jane Doe and her own sister have felt. I couldn't kill her because I couldn't live with the guilt of taking another persons life. I'm actually kind of scared of the people who say that they would kill her given the chance. How many steps above her are they in their ability to kill? I hope her life plays out daily as the hell that she had created for her victims. I hope she never sleeps a full night again. But I don't want to see it. I don't commend the person who 'offs her'.
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are 'dating'. The latest rumor that I heard was that Rob Thomas from Matchbox Twenty had his wife walk in on him and ol' Tommy Cruise having sex. She freaked! So they are paying katie holmes to be Tom's beard. I have heard other homosexual rumors about Tom in a sexual relationship with some European porn star. None of it materializes. Leave the poor fucker alone. Maybe Michael Jackson and Tom Cruise should date, they both know what it's like to be the centre of unwanted (and bias) media attention. On that note, Martin Bashir is a loser! If he is gay, he's gay, let him suck subtle cock until he's ready to admit it, I'm speaking of Tom now. If he is straight, let him make wild love to the former star of Dawson's Creek. Just don't remind me, because the thought of those two humping makes me want a week long vacation in solitary.
LAND OF THE DEAD. Yup, saw it tonight, if you haven't seen it, I suggest you don't read what I am about to write until after you get the chance to take it in. First off, I fucking love George A Romero. I think the dead trilogy is pure genius. Sparing a slight fuck up with 'Day Of The Dead', left a little to be desired there George! But, I for real have been waiting for some continuation to the story since I was a puppy. Tonight, I got it. I wanted to love it, run from the theatre and sing this movies song in the hills. I just can't. It's a fucking ZOMBIE movie, not a platform for socio-economic and political messages. It was not what I expected. I wanted a small group of people on an island using what they had to survive a dark force. Not a movie about a vicious entrepreneur, who houses the rich and casts of the less fortunate. I hate to use words like predictable when I watch movies I am not in support of, but, it just fits. I actually feel kind of sad. There was so much more he could have done, and he didn't. I don't blame only George, I blame the team. Would I recommend seeing it in theatres? NO! Although I was pleasantly surprised that I paid a mere $9.95 to get in on a Thursday night, I'd still wait for the video. It was better than 'Day' and worse than the others, remakes and parodys included. AND.....What the fuck were the casting directors thinking when they gave a role to a somewhat recognizable Canadian actress? I wanted miscellaneous dead, not the fucking PEAK FREEN ZOMBIE!!! That almost killed it for me, if it weren't for the mensa zombie I may have given up all hope that a rotting brain was useless!
Big fucking fart at Land Of The Dead.
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