So Glad I'm Not An American
New Orleans is full of crazy black people who shoot at rescue workers because all black people own guns and use them freely.
Well, it's the truth if you watch the nightly news.
It's true for all the American (and Canadian) assholes who are too FUCKING STUPID to see through the typical media bullshit.
Yahoo posted two seperate stories about the nightmare in Louisiana, Both had pictures of people wading through waist deep waters carrying boxes of food. Both pictures looked as if they could have been taken in the same area, water was about all you could see.
The only difference was that one of the photos featured black people carrying food, and the other picture showed white people carrying the same shit.
The stories were much different.
The story that was accompanied by the picture of the black people dealt with looters and criminals.
The story that showed the white people carrying food dealt with how desperate the situation had become, and how hard it was for people to find something to eat.
Now first of all, there is no such thing as 'LOOTING' where food is concerned, you can't be stealing if you're trying to survive, to actually make it through another night.
FUCK YOU for saying that anyone is looting when they're taking something to eat!
Does it make more sense for the food to got to go to waste?
Is it more appropriate for people to die because they didn't have the 3 bucks for the loaf of bread?
Just thanks god that American law falls in the favour of the white man, we don't loot, we survive, it's just them fucking blacks that steal.
I saw something on Canadian news where three young dudes on vacation in New orleans with one of the kids mothers got caught in the middle, taken to the Astrodome, and eventually rescued from there on charter buses.
To get to these buses they were snuck out of the back door of the stadium and through tunnels, but before they got to the safety of the bus they had to walk through a 'BLACK NEIGHBOURHOOD' and the fucking police told them all not to make eye contact, not to answer anything that anyone said, and just keep walking.
Because, of course, black people are like rabid dogs, if you look one of them in the eye, they'll attack.
Imagine standing on your street, literally starving to death, the bodies of your neighbours floating by, and then seeing people walk by and get on a nice air conditioned bus and driving off to safety. You are just left there, to die, or be forced from your home. Of course, you have no insurance, so what you are leaving you will never be able to come back to. If you have a dog, that you love, you will have to leave it behind when you are forced out. There's no promise or hope for you. Your government hates you (for more reasons than just not voting republican).
I'd be pretty fucking pissed too.
Would I grab my gun and start shooting at people?
Well, no.
These crazy black folks are really just law abiding memebers of the community that fall under the poverty line. They don't have guns, and are not shooting at the 'people trying to help them'. They're just unlucky enough to live in a country that doesn't care about them, no, THAT HATES THEM, because of the colour of their skin.
For that reason, they are dying, dead, or hopeless.
Where's the fucking president anyway?
No, never mind, I don't even want to get into that fuck.
If it were middle class white folks down there, the government would have reacted a lot sooner. The relief would have come a lot faster, and a lot less people would have lost their lives or suffered.
Oh, and as a side note, the 'shooters' well, there were tough gang bangers (of all colours) in the Astrodome, as well as real Felons and Criminals who had to be taken out of the prisons that were flooding. So, who was doing the shooting I wonder? Well, don't turn to the news to tell you anything, because it's all bullshit. Figure it out for yourself.
And when you do, let me know how rascism is still so brutally destructive and obviously rampant in 2006?
yeah. that's fucking horrible.
"Freeze. Don't move. Step slowly away from the black man. Don't make eye contact. He may explode."
what a fucking mess. if the toxic water won't kill them - the cops will.
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